
资讯 世界第26位葡萄酒大师Count John Salvi MW在中国的酒事日历

2019-01-14 发布 科通名酒展 interwine

The 21st session of Interwine China 2018 organized by Canton Universal Fair Group Ltd., was held during 9th November to 11th November, at the Canton Fair in Pazhou Complex, Guangzhou, which was attended by our Bordeaux Correspondent, Count John Salvi MW , who also took part in an International Wine Competition in Foshan, Guangdong,China and shares his enjoyable experience.


在2018年11月9日至11日的21届中国(广州)国际名酒展和INTERWINE葡萄酒与烈酒大奖赛(IGC)已经在两个月前圆满落下帷幕,葡萄酒大师、波尔多职业葡萄酒作家和记者John Salvi伯爵分享了他在广州名酒展和IGC大赛期间的有趣经历。



To both my surprise and delight, and totally out of the blue, I was invited to judge a wine tasting competition in Foshan and give a Master Class at an enormous wine and spirit exhibition in Guangzhou, the 21st China (Guangzhou) International Wine and Spirits Exhibition (Interwine 2018), at the China import and Export Fair Complex in Guangzhou. The moment that I said I would be interested, a ticket arrived before you could say “Jack Rabbit”.  I have to say that I was quite excited but had no idea what to expect.  I was a guest of the Canton Universal Fair Group.




The day arrived, and I flew to Guangzhou via Amsterdam to be met at the airport by a delightful gentleman by the name of Nick Xian, who turned out to be a curator in a magnificent gallery of ceramic arts and with a passion for wine.  Off his own bat he elected himself my guide, guardian and friend for the duration of the trip. 


我从阿姆斯特丹飞到了广州,到达那天,在机场迎接我的是一位和蔼可亲的绅士,名叫冼玉章(Nick Xian)。他是一家宏伟的陶瓷艺术画廊的馆长,酷爱葡萄酒。在途中,他自然而然的成为了我的向导、监护人和朋友。


Interwine Grand Challenge (IGC)


That first evening all the judges of the 21st Interwine Grand Challenge Tasting Competition met for a delicious Chinese get-together dinner in the presence of a famous local rice wine (baijiu) distiller. 


This was Monday.  The tasting Competition was under the Presidency of Rita Jia of Interwine and the Canton Universal Fair Group.  We were 18 judges with 7 Masters of Wine divided into 6 juries of 3 each.  I was a panel leader.


到达的第一天晚上,第21届INTERWINE葡萄酒与烈酒大奖赛(Interwine Grand Challenge)的所有评委在大赛前夕齐聚一堂,享用了一顿美味的中国晚宴,在场的还有当地著名的石湾米酒蒸馏商。


IGC大赛组委会由广州科通展览有限公司的董事长贾燕平女士(Rita Jia)担任主席。大赛一共有18位评委,包括7位葡萄酒大师,分成了6个评委小组,每人小组有3位评委。我是其中一组的组长。



The next day (Tuesday) and the following morning (Wednesday) were devoted to the competition.  There were some 1000 samples to judge.  The tasting was in the magnificent Foshan Pearl Hotel, where we were lodged in great luxury.  The room was airy, cool, spacious, well-lit and comfortable. 




Tasting was done in sets of 5 wines and we had 5 good glasses. Black spittoons, white tablecloths, paper napkins, mineral water and bread were all provided.  The tasting sheet was complicated with many more boxes to fill than the OIV sheet and it was soon agreed that we judges did not have to fill them all in, but simply give our marks out of 100 and write a clear and comprehensive tasting note. 





A Silver medal required 85 points, a Gold 90 and a Double Gold 95.  We were given little or no information, not even the grape variety, which caused some consternation among several judges.  It really was a blind tasting!  There was a coffee break in the middle of each session.




We tasted 35 wines the first morning and 35 more in the afternoon and the wonderful Nick had arranged a special lunch for Christopher Burr (an old MW friend) and me of the wonderful, in-season, hairy crabs marinated in yellow wine accompanied by a 30-year-old yellow wine.  Sensational! 


我们在第一个早上盲品了35款葡萄酒,下午也盲品了35款以上。很棒的Nick为克里斯托弗•伯尔(Christopher Burr,我的一位MW老朋友)和我安排了一顿特别的午餐,有美味的、浸泡在黄酒中的时令大闸蟹,再配上一瓶30年的黄酒。确实是绝佳美食!



The evening of Tuesday there was a delicious Chinese dinner in the hotel and an equally delicious one the following day.  Nick again organised a lunch with Cantonese-style raw sliced fish fillet in a wooden palace, in the most magnificent gardens, on a beautiful lake, right in the middle of the city. 




Fine Wine Tasting at Guangzhou


The afternoon of Wednesday) we were driven to Guangzhou, to the magnificent Mandarin Oriental Hotel where we had a tasting to end all tastings.  11 wines tasted blind for us 7 Masters of Wine to comment and with 40 guests who had paid $2,000 each for the privilege.  The wines were:



Almaviva 2013 活灵魂 2013

Sassicaia 2014 西斯佳雅 2014

Château Lafite 2014 拉菲正牌 2014

Chadwick 2014 查德维克 2014

Opus One 2014 作品一号 2014

Château Pavie 2013 帕菲 2013

Screaming Eagle 2013 啸鹰2013

Château Petrus 2013 柏图斯 2013


As well as 3 Chilean wines: Kupelwe, Earl Terrence and Parcela.

此外,还有三款智利葡萄酒:库佩尔威(Kupelwe)、伯爵特伦斯(Earl Terrence)和帕塞拉(Parcela)。


Enough, I think, to make any wine lover’s mouth water!



A grand banquet dinner followed before being driven back to our hotel;




World Wine in China


The afternoon was devoted to the “Summit Meeting of World Wine in China”.  There were some delicious wines to taste from Changyu, the company for whom I used to make wine in Xinjiang. 


The Gala dinner that night was magnificent and hosted by the big boss himself – Delin Ye.  he not only owned the hotel and the wooden palace where we had had lunch, but also the New-Pearl Wine Company, the New-Pearl Ceramics Group, a golf club and numerous other companies.  He made long speech and presented us all with two bottles of Moutai Baijiu. A glittering event with great Chinese food.





On Friday, after Dim Sum as usual, we set off for Guangzhou where we were lodged in the magnificent Westin Pazhou Hotel, but so bad was the traffic that I was almost late for my Masterclass on Bordeaux at the Interwine Fair at the China import and Export Fair Pazhou Complex. 


However, I made it by the skin of my teeth, lectured to a full house on how to taste professionally and on the 2018 vintage in Bordeaux, and felt that I had done a good job. 


周五,像往常一样吃过点心后,我们出发前往广州,住在华丽的威斯汀琶洲酒店。但是糟糕的交通情况,使我几乎在 Interwine2018波尔多大师班课程上迟到。






Exhausted, Nick then took me back to our hotel where we had lunch in my room before a rest.  That evening was a glittering Gala dinner in the Ballroom on the top floor of the Westin.  Each Master of Wine had to give a short speech, which was a small price to pay for the magnificent Chinese banquet. 





The next day (Saturday) was the exhibition all day after a superlative Dim Sum breakfast.  I visited many stands, including that of Changyu where, as a past chief winemaker, I was graciously received. 





Because that evening I was to be a guest of Wine Arts, a fine wine importer specialising in fine Italian wines, we only had a snack lunch at the fair.  I commented the wines for mine host, greatly appreciated his Feudi del Pisciotto wines and thoroughly enjoyed the special treat offered to me in my honour of baked hairy crab and yellow wine.





晚宴的主人是伟达酒业(Wine Arts)一家专注精品葡萄酒进口贸易商举办的,我为主人评酒,非常欣赏他的费尔迪·德尔·皮斯乔托葡萄酒(大范思哲),也非常喜欢为特别款待我所烤大闸蟹和黄酒。



The next day, Sunday, was our last day and I received a visit from Aileen Lee of the Beijing Yunjiu Media Company Ltd. for whom I had written a long article on Baijiu.  Nick organised a very special lunch in the famous Nanhai Fish Village Seafoodrestaurant, where we enjoyed lobster, crab and shrimp in abundance.  




Extenuated, we spent that afternoon drinking tea and packing all the numerous gifts of tea, wine and rice spirit that I had received during the week.  Thoughtfully, Nick took me to an amazing fish restaurant on the way to the airport where we enjoyed marinated raw shrimp. With typical courtesy he saw me to the airport, into a wheelchair, through security and on the way back to Bordeaux full of happy memories, great hospitality and fine Chinese cuisine.  





有关John Salvi MW
出身于英国一个酒商家庭,八岁就接触葡萄酒,每年暑假都被安排到各大酒庄游学,上世纪50年代师承波尔多大学酿酒系创始人埃米尔 • 培诺教授。


1970年考取葡萄酒大师(Masters of Wine,简称MW),是世界第26位葡萄酒大师,全世界现有380位葡萄酒大师中资格最老的大师之一。而葡萄酒大师称号是国际公认的葡萄酒知识的深度和广度的最高荣誉。





— end 


2018 Interwine China


一封来自第21届 Interwine 的感谢信@您,请查阅!
第21届Interwine China圆满闭幕,展会现场人气再创新高
2018下半年全球最大的酒展,这里有酒,有故事,就差你了Invitation-22nd Interwine China on Jun3-5th,2019 with 50,000 sqm
2019 INTERWINE在中国展会计划公布,亮点提前看!
Interwine China 2019 年6月3-5日:洞悉未来,遇见你
2018 Interwine Roadshow | 50场城市巡展圆满收官,2019年70场蓄势待发!
葡萄酒行业盛会 | 2019年5月28-29日Interwine Beijing北京欢迎您!


InterwineChina 2021中国(广州)国际名酒展
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2020-08-14 广州-中国进出口商品交易会展馆
中国(广州)国际名酒展-秋季展/ 第二十三届广州国际名酒展
2019-11-09 广州-中国进出口商品交易会展馆
第22届中国(广州)国际名酒展(Interwine China 2019)
2019-06-03 广州-中国进出口商品交易会展馆
2018-11-09 广州-中国进出口商品交易会展馆
Interwine China 2018中国(广州)国际名酒展-春季展
2018-05-18 广州-中国进出口商品交易会展馆
Interwine Beijing 2018 科通(北京)国际葡萄酒烈酒展览会
2018-05-10 北京-全国农业展览馆
中国(广州)国际名酒展(Interwine 2017)
2017-11-12 广州-中国进出口商品交易会展馆
Interwine Beijing 2017 科通(北京)国际葡萄酒烈酒展览会
2017-05-05 北京-全国农业展览馆